I have come out of my coccoon to say hello to blogland and let you all know that I am still here. I am in the process of catching up on everyone's blogs and unfortunately I don't have time to comment on every single one, so if I don't comment on yours, please don't take it to mean that I didn't read it.
I have survived my first week of unemployment and it hasn't been easy. I have been working ever since I was 15 so to suddenly find myself without a job at age 26 was a bit of a slap in the face. I want to thank all of my readers for your thoughtful emails, notes, and cupcakes. They have helped me stay positive all this week.
In an attempt to put a positive spin on things, I have been determined to use my unemployment as a chance to lose weight and get healthier. When I was working, I would come home from work at 7pm on a good day, and some days not until much later than that. This meant that I didn't have a chance to grocery shop and I was usually too tired to cook when I got home and would just order sushi or Chinese food so all that I would ever really keep were non-perishables. I went to Trader Joe's with my best friend GNB and stocked up on fruits and vegetables and have been eating healthy all week. I also started walking a lot more just because. Yesterday, I walked four miles! It may be psychosymptomatic, but I swear that I feel better!
Another positive thing that has come out of my unemployment is that now I have the opportunity to travel more. I wanted to visit TLS in Turkey for New Year's Eve, but since I could only take a few days off work, the price of a ticket was sky high, and I could not afford it. Now that I am able to stay for a full week, it decreased the cost of a ticket greatly, and as my Hannukah gift from my mom and TLS, I got a plane ticke to Turkey! I will be there from December 28- January 6 and I am so excited! I love travelling and it is my goal to have to get a new passport prematurely because all of the squares for customs stamps in it have been used up. This brings me two stamps closer to my goal. Baby steps...
I have had a lot of time to think this week and since I am a chronic listmaker, I have compiled a list of how losing your job is a lot like being dumped. In no particular order:
1) After both, you spend a lot of time eating chocolate and watching bad tv.
2) Both may use the phrase "it's not you, it's me" when letting you go.
3) After a while, you tell yourself that you weren't really happy anyway and this is for the best.
4) Your friends try to convince you that this is your opportunity to find a better looking one with better benefits.
5) You spend time cyber-stalking to see if they have replaced you.
Until next time, I love you all. Have a terrific weekend and Happy Hannukah to all of my Jewish readers. Thank you for allowing me to share a small part of my life with you, I am truly grateful to have each and every one of you in my life.