Monday, July 20, 2009

wedding rant, need to vent

I mailed out invitations to JMK's bridal shower a month ago, to 30 women. Since then, I have gotten RSVP's from only 5. The shower is on August 9th and I need to order food and favors. I can't do this until I know how many people I'm ordering for. The last shower I hosted, I ended up spending over $100 extra that I didn't need to spend on favors that couldn't be returned because a lot of people didn't RSVP. I really cannot do that again. I have asked the bride to reach out to her guests, and she posted a status on facebook telling her friends to RSVP to me. So far, no one else has. I am really upset right now because I'm doing this as a nice thing for her and her friends can't even be bothered to RSVP. I thought this was common courtesy? What is wrong with people?


  1. I don't know what's wrong with people nowadays that they can't even give someone the common courtesy of an RSVP to a party! It's sad, and it's happened to me as well!

  2. That's really annoying. I always rsvp even if I don't need to (my best friend's wedding when I was a bridesmaid, she really likes getting mail).

  3. I'd ask the bride for the phone number of all invited guests... and call them individually. I've had to do this before. Good luck.

  4. Neglecting to RSVP may be one of the most frustrating things ever.

    Good luck, I hope they come flooding in soon!!!

  5. I agree with Jackie. I've had to chase down RSVPs before. Feel free to get passive-aggressive tho.

    "Oh,yes, this is MRM in regards to the Bridal Shower. Since I STILL have not received your RSVP I assumed you were NOT coming however I wanted to double check as MANY guests have failed to RSVP and I hope that the shower will not be poorly attended."

  6. I feel your pain :( I too agree with Jackie. It's a pain in the rear to call them, and you should not have to, but since they apparently have no manners it may end up making your life easier?

  7. I think people are just rude!! They never appreciate the organizer, im sorry love, xxxoo

  8. ugh, how tacky! I don't understand why they can't take 5 minutes or less and get it over with!

  9. I feel your pain! I will never forget to RSVP again after getting married myself. It's such a pain to have to keep asking people if they're coming. Sorry you're dealing with that :-/

  10. Did you give them a cut off date for the RSVP? I know this is just one more thing to do, but get their numbers and emails and shoot them an email and give them a call. If all else will be minimal and favors..I wouldn't do them. I think respect and manners have fallen by the wayside for so many people. So sad. Hope you are feeling better about it and have maybe gotten a few responses. Just kill them with kindness!

  11. So - Update us - did you give them all a call? :)

  12. I'm just reading this now (been out of town)... but I TOTALLY feel your pain. People just do not RSVP these days, and when you call them on it they act like it's no big deal. I always try to be prompt, since I know what a pain it is when you have a list that's mostly TBD!
