Monday, January 9, 2012

Preppy Sorority Girl Favor Needed

First of all- notice anything different? A huge thank you to Kimmie for redoing my blog for me!

Second of all- I'm sure by now you've heard that Lilly Pulitzer every season or so has started making prints for several sororities. So far, the lucky sororities have been Kappa Delta, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Zeta, Delta Gamma, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Chi Omega.

Today, voting was opened up to determine which three sororities will next get Lilly prints of their own. The 3 sororities with the most votes will get them.

If you are an Alpha Sigma Alpha, please be sure to like Lilly Pulitzer on facebook then go here to vote for ASA.

You do not have to be an ASA to vote, so anyone, parents, husbands, boyfriends, roommates, etc. can vote. (My mother and husband have already voted.)

Also, if you are reading this and are not Greek, or if your sorority already has a print, could you pretty pretty please vote for ASA?

Let's make this happen!


  1. I'm sorry.. but have to vote for AOII!! I hope one us gets our print :)

  2. Love the new design! I'm feeling like I could use a re-design soon too. :-)

    And...of course I voted for you!

  3. Heyyyyyyyyyyy! Your blog looks terrific! Nice makeover!

  4. I totes voted for ASA. BTW Love the new layout. :) xo BFF JILL

  5. I'm dying for my AGD to have a print too! Here's hoping we both get our wish!


  6. Alright lovely - I voted for ASA! =)

    Although, I could see a lot of late night shopping in your future if ASA joined the Lilly collection... ;)

  7. Consider it done! Love the new design!
