Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Midweek Randoms

Have not had a chance to blog for a bit because I got busy with a project that I was heading, so think of this as my catch-up post.

*Went to Homburg Hospital yesterday for what was supposed to be my initial consult with the heart surgeon. Supposed to be. I was told by both my cardiologist here and Tricare that I didn't need anything for the appointment. Apparently that's not true and I was supposed to bring copies of my MRI and echo to the appointment.  Without the test results, the doctor couldn't do anything and we wasted all that time driving there for nothing. I have to go back again. Oh fun.
*A sweet blog reader sent me a lovely care package with some of these in it.

I had never heard of Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos before but now I am obsessed with them! Thank you Grove Gal K!
*We bought a new grill. Growing up in Manhattan, I was always jealous of friends who got to grill for the summer and have been wanting to buy a grill since moving to Germany. It was something that we always "talked" about, but never actually did. 4th of July morning, I woke up craving some good bbq, and this craving only intensified when a twitter follower sent me the link to a Peach BBQ chicken recipe. I turned to my husband and said "we're buying a grill today." Sure enough, we went to base and came home with a grill. Being a chronic namer, I named her Charlotte Char-Broil. (Our car is Valerie Volkswagen. My mixer is Kitty KitchenAid.) Other than our nice sheets (which we still have yet to receive), she was the only big purchase we bought from our wedding money.
isn't she pretty?
*Since buying the grill, I have become obsessed with getting cute monogrammed melamine plates and things for her.
*It saddens me that according to Angry Birds, summer is half over.
*Right after I posted my previous post, we got the pictures back from the photographer. Go figure. It's going to take me some time to go through them all and post them, but I had to share my favorite one. (If you follow me on twitter, you've probably already seen it.)


  1. ooooh i loooooooooooove that picture!!!

  2. What a gorgeous picture of you two! :)

  3. Owow, Mess Dress! KR doesn't even have that, lol. He just wore his blues... And he was a baby A1C on our wedding day (waiting to hear if made staff this year or not... He better have... LOL.) We wanted a grill, too... But with him gone the rest of summer, and us leaving next May-ish, we didn't want to spend the money for it to hardly be used. I have a George Foreman which will hold me over for now! Those oreos look AMAZING. I think my hubby would LOVE them...

  4. So happy you have a grill now :) For me, the first time we grill out = summer time is near!

    I still adore that pic, and can't wait to se see the rest!!

  5. I love the picture. My father refused to wear his uniform in their wedding.

  6. what a gorgeous photo!! love love love. you two are so cute!

    also, we have had these berry oreos in our pantry for a week now and i haven't had the courage to try them yet, but you've inspired me!

  7. Love the wedding pic!

    We recently bought a new grill too, and have been using it all the time!
