Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rabbit Rabbit

Happy October y'all!

Yes, I am still alive. I swear. We got back three days ago to the very fun surprise of our wifi pretty much dying on us. So until we can get that fixed, I cam only use my iPhone.

Things I am looking forward to this month:
*Air Force Ball- need to get a necklace still but my dress for that is fantastic!
*going to the pumpkin festival in our town- pumpkin wine, need I say more?
*Halloween with friends
*Breast Cancer Awareness Month- my favorite shopping month for all things pink!
*not much else- taking it easy this month, I need to relax

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Taking it easy sounds like a good idea.... hope you are feeling better so you can really enjoy the Air Force Ball.

  2. saw your last post--I hope you're feeling better! taking it easy should definitely be on your docket, missy. hope you have fun in this pink-filled month! have a great night! xoxo {av} | {long distance loving}
