Friday, February 20, 2009

favorite things

A couple of weeks ago, I posted that I found a cupcake recipe that requires you baking the cake in an actual teacup and serve on a saucer. Since I have been a little (ok, A LOT) obsessed with baking lately, I have been dying to try this recipe. However, in order to make it, I first need to find a set of teacups that are cute and oven-safe. I started out searching the dollar stores thinking I could get a set for cheap, but everything there was neither cute nor oven-safe, so then I turned to my trusty computer. Therefore ladies, this week I bring you MRM's Favorite Things: The Teacup Edition.

First things first, here is an adorable teacup and saucer candle set in the ever-so-adorable pink and green combination for $28 from Tracy Porter.

I love this and think that this would make a lovely gift for someone, however I have a bit of a candle problem. I love candles and have bought so many for myself and received even more as gifts. I literally have a shelf in my closet that is just devoted to candles, so I have put myself on a bit of a candle moratorium until I can use some of them up. However, if one of you should buy one, please let me know, so that I can live vicariously though you.

While this is not a teacup, I felt this mug from Anthropologie was too cute to not be included. I have a rather large assortment of mugs with various sophisticated designs such as Hello Kitty, Disney princesses, polka dots, my sorority letters (there's even a mug that has polka dots and my sorority letters on it) and I think that this would be a wonderful, and slightly more grown-up yet still fun addition to my collection. Did I mention that I love monograms?

Here are two more not teacups but still too cute to not be included mugs courtesy of Max Brenner. Max Brenner is a restaurant from Israel that came to New York. It specializes in chocolate and has become a bit of a tourist trap, but I love their hot chocolate, chocolate martinis, and desserts so much that I don't care. To my NYC ladies- the place has bad dating karma, so if you go there, go with girlfriends, not a boy. The first of the two is the "Drink Me" Mug with metal straw for $12.50.

I love how it's unique and references Alice in Wonderland.
The second mug from Max Brenner is the Hug Mug for $8.90.

The hot chocolate in the restaurant comes in the mug and once again, I love its unique shape.

How about just one more mug? As some of you already know, Lilly Pulitzer recently debuted her new stationary line. I am obsessed with these Latte-da! mugs for $15. They are available at the Preppy Princess.

Ok so time for some actual teacups. I am absolutely head over heels in love with these teacup and saucer sets from Henri Bendel.

However, at $75 for a set of one, they are a little pricey for something that will be going into my oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

So the winner is, this set from Crate and Barrel.

At $5.95, it's affordable, plus it's classic and it's white which means it will go with just about anything.


  1. Oh I love the first one, and the hug one, and the lilly pulitzer one sooo much. I have a set just like the one you picked. Too cute.

  2. I'm cravinggg a lilly mug! If they made a travel mug, I would be in (environmentally friendly)latte heaven.

  3. Loving the lilly mugs but I love white too! I've seen a recipe for a "hot chocolate" cupcake that is topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings instead of frosting. I always thought it was such a cute idea for a winter month birthday.

  4. The Lilly mugs are too cute for words! I would love to drink my morning tea out of those...wowza :)

  5. Ohh I love all of those, but especially the hug mug! I love it's unique shape

  6. I have to laugh because I sat down today to catch up on my blog reading and to write my next installment of favorite things. My topic this week: my tea sets. LOL! :)

  7. They had Max Brenner in Australia and I loved going for late night hot chocolate!

  8. all of those are so great! i want.

    jose got me a kate spade teacup/saucer for my bday that's also black and white (the henri bendel set reminded me) but with a flowery design...and the saucer is the same but with inverted colors. really cute.

  9. Miss Flip-Flops, you are too sweet to show our mugs! Well, actually, Lilly's mugs. (Silly Princess!) Thank You!

    This is fun because it gave me a chance to see your blog and now I shall bookmark it!

    Grins & Giggles for your week to come!
