Monday, March 14, 2011

Heart Update

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me, emailed me, and expressed concern for me this past month. Today I had my follow up appointment with the cardiologist to get the results of my tests. My blood test came back normal. The heart MRI showed that my aorta is 50% closed at one point. Thankfully, the closing in area is small, so the doctor thinks that it can be repaired with the balloon catheter. It is not what I wanted to hear. In an ideal world, nothing would need to be done to my heart, but I don't live in an ideal world so I will take this alternative over being gutted like a fish. It does not need to be done right this second, but should be done within the next year. I have tabled it for now until the wedding, I have enough stress already thankyouverymuch, and will make this priority #1 as soon as I get back. (I can do my thank you cards from the hospital!) Our hospital here does not do the procedure, so I will get it done at a German hospital about 20 minutes from us. My understanding is that I will need to spend one or two nights in the hospital. Not going to lie, kind of scared about the language barrier. Everything we've heard about Homburg Hospital from Americans is that all of the doctors there speak English, but good luck finding an English-speaking nurse. Oh fun. This is all of the news and information I have for now. I promise to post another update once I know more.


  1. So glad that things aren't really bad, and I'm hoping that it gets taken care of easily - after this BEAUTIFUL wedding of yours of course!

  2. So sorry about this, but glad that it is a less scary procedure than it could have been. I think you have the right idea- concentrate on wedding and ENJOY right now and then you and your husband will face it afterwards!

  3. lots of prayers coming your way sweet girl!

  4. Sending you lots of love, prayers and hugs!! I wish we lived closer so I could come take care of you!!!

  5. I saw the news on twitter, and although I wish nothing had to be done....this is so much better than it could have been :)

    Good for you for putting it off until after the wedding. Heaven knows you do have enough on your plate with that!

  6. You have been in my prayers. The result you received was good. Stay on top of it, and as soon as you are married, make the apointment. Enjoy your wedding plans for now!


  7. I know of a few people who have various things done off base, and had amazing experiences. Maybe learn how to say some basic phrases in German -like "pain medicine" just in case, but I think it will all be ok - and just think, it will be over and done with soon enough!

  8. Hey! I received your comment about the stationary. The stationary is from Studio18 and apparently they carried it at Michael's. Good luck with your search! They really are adorable!

  9. Will keep you in my prayers!

    I am passing on an award to you!
