Thursday, July 29, 2010

rude salesgirl

This is a little hard for me to type because it is about something that I am rather self-conscious about, but this blog is cathartic and I'm hoping that posting it will make me feel better.

At our BX there is a Kathe Wolfhart. Every time we go to the BX, it's our tradition to stop by in there and look around and buy an ornament. We went in there today. We were very clearly going to be the last
couple to walk in there and the salesgirl was eager to make a sale and kept  on talking to us. I am not fat by any means (I'm around a size 8), but I have a large stomach which I have always been self conscious about. The salesgirl
(who looks to be in her late twenties or thirties) asks me if I want a basket. To this TLS replies "don't encourage her" and the lady goes "but she's pregnant." Ummm what?! To this I say "I'm not pregnant." Her reply? "Yes you are." "No I'm nor." "Yes you are." "No I'm not." "Really?" And she just walked away. We were going to buy an ornament but I started crying and made TLS put it down and leave.

1) This was not an idiotic teenager working there for the summer. This was a fully grown woman who should have had enough customer service training and the tact to know when to stop.
2) What makes her think she's more qualified than I am to answer the question of what's in my uterus?

I should have either asked to speak to the manager right away and said something, or said "well I wasn't going to tell him for another few weeks" and embarrassed her that way.

I have been working out every day and have lost 4 pounds since I've been here so that really hurt. Going back to my sofa to cry now.


  1. What a jerk. Don't pay attention to her.

  2. what a class-less IDIOT! hearing idiotic comments such as those really does suck but keep your chin up! xo

  3. Oh that's so terrible, and I know the feeling. It happens to me at least once or twice a year. I too am only a size 8, but I've been called pregnant more times that I care to imagine. Shame on people for asking! It's so rude. Just the other day I was wearing an empire waist dress to work and my coworker was freaking out about how I didn't tell her I was pregnant etc. etc. What a jerk!!!

  4. I am sorry...I had a little kindergartner ask me that once. I wanted to die.

  5. You know, the same thing happened to a girlfriend of mine last year. We were at a bachelorette party, and a bouncer said to her "you probably shouldn't get on stage in your condition". Anyway, my friend got very upset (understandably), and we were all beside ourselves. In no way did she look pregnant! I hadn't realized how much it affected her until she brought it up the other day, and said that comment was what had gotten her on an exercise/healthy eating kick. She's lost 20lbs. Good for her...but I hate that she was motivated by some moron hurting her feelings so badly. Some people have ZERO manners.

    AND...congrats on the 4lb weight loss!!! It seems like everyone is dropping lbs left and right these days, I had better jump on the wagon :)

  6. I am so sorry this happened to you! Remember only you can decide how to feel so put your chin up and know that lots of people love you!

  7. That is incredibly rude. I can't believe she had the nerve to argue with you. The fact still remains, on the inside you are a beautiful person, and she just sucks.

  8. I am so sorry this rude person had the audacity to even say something like this to you. First of all, it's none of her business either way! And, I can't believe she actually fought back and forth with you. Who does that?
    Keep your chin up and YAY for the weight loss!

  9. First of all, what is a BX.

    Second of all, WHAT A TOTAL WANKER!!! OMG, I would go back in there when you are more composed and ask to speak to her manager!!!! REALLY, YOU SHOULD!!!!!

    I am SO PISSED FOR YOU!!!!!!
    And oh so sorry that someone's OBVI stupidity has made you so upset!! She's a DUMBASS so hopefully that will make you smile!!

  10. Oh no, I'm so sorry! What a rude girl and a horrible thing to say! I know the feeling, I'm only a size 8 but carry some weight in my stomach and have gotten that comment a few times. Just remember that you're gorgeous and she's just a bitter betty. And congrats on the weight loss--I'm jealous!

  11. That is awful!!! I'm so sorry that happened.

    I don't know why people say things like that when they clearly have NO idea what they are talking about but to then insist to you that you were pregnant is crazy! I know you were too upset at the time but I would definitely say something or write a letter of complaint so she doesn't embarrass anyone else.

  12. If the BX at your base is anything like the few I've been in here in the US, she was probably having a bad day and wanted to make you feel bad. I got yelled at once in Texas because the lady didn't think I was purchasing the right size panty hose. I was. The better part of your story is your 4 pounds. Don't let this woman bring you down.

  13. OMG how horrible!!! It's one thing to mistake you for being pregnant (which is awful) but to then insist that you are? Who the hell is this person? I would call the store and ask to speak to the manager.

  14. OMG I don't know what I would have done. It's like You've Got Mail where you can only think of the perfect one liners after the fact. I am so so so sorry! I cannot believe she agrued with you- that is horrible! I think you're fabulous if that counts for anything.

  15. Oh my gosh! How rude! I would still write a letter or give a call to the manager. She needs to be put in her place!

    And if it makes you feel any better, I had a co-worker say to me last week, "Angela, you are looking a little chubby...what happened?" I was so shocked I couldn't even be mad until my mind had processed what he said.

    Sometimes people just don't think before they speak. Keep your chin up! You're beautiful!!

  16. So incredibly rude. So sorry that happened to you.

  17. Oh that just stinks! Ugh! I had a worker in the lunchroom at school as me the same thing. I'm fat. So, I just looked at her and said, "No, I'm just fat."

    I can't believe that she KEPT on!

  18. What a bitch! Seriously... that's just awful.

  19. OMG!!! What a moron! To have the NERVE to fight with you about it!! Pray for her, she's an idiot.

  20. People can be SO rude! Please don't cry girlfriend, you are too good for all of that :(

    A little while back someone asked if I was expecting and my comeback came when I was in the car, miffed, and on the way home. If anyone asks again I'll say "expecting what?"

    People are mean.

  21. You were right to walk out of the store!!

  22. People need to stop saying everythign that crosses their mind.

    A former neighbor said to me (as we announced that we were prego for #2 child)

    "Well that explains it. I was wondering why you were getting so fat, I mean you had your first baby almost a year ago, you should have lost all the weight by now!!!"

    I wanted to punch him in the head.
    It really hurt my feelings.

    I can't imagine commenting on someone's weight, pregnant or not.
    Even if I notice someone lost weight I don't make a huge fuss. I would hesitate to say anything unless they specifically enagage me in a conversation about it.

    People can be so rude.

  23. Shame on her! I am so sorry to hear that you went through this. You definitely did the right thing, but if it continues to bother you, it is not too late to return and talk to her manager.

    I am always amazed at how completely rude our society has become. Etiquette needs to be taught in elementary school to help prevent incidents like this from happening.

  24. Oh my I am just shaking my head. Sorry you had such a bad day.

  25. That lady ( and i use the term loosely) needs a punch in the face! You don't say things like that to ANYONE! She is tacky and tactless to say such a thing! You don't let her get you down!

  26. What a rude and classless woman! So sorry you went through that. Try not to let it bother you, though I'm sure it's difficult.

  27. A student argued with me about being pregnant (I am a size 8 too)- but she was 6, so she hadn't learned that you don't ask someone that.

    But, an adult - especially a woman? You should have said that you weren't going to tell him yet - that would have made her feel horrible!

  28. Don't let this stupid cow upset you. You might have a bit of a belly (and most of us do!) but she is the Queen of the Idiots which is way worse! Would you rather have brains and tact or a flat stomach? I know which one I'd rather.
