Wednesday, April 8, 2009

To all of my Jewish readers (if I have any)

Tonight begins the holiday of Passover at Sundown. While this is quite possibly my least favorite holiday on the Hebrew calendar (no baked goods for 8 days! proof that Jews invented the Atkins...) it is important to remind ourselves and the younger generations of what our roots are, where we come from, and while we may no longer be slaves in Egypt, there are plenty of people in the world, Jews and non-Jews alike, who do not have the freedoms of opinion, religion, or the luxuries of every day life that we have gotten accustomed to. Chag Sameach! Next year in Jerusalem.


  1. happy passover :) I'm not jewish but R is, so I am basically jewish by association haha!

  2. YAY! Happy Passover.. Chag Samaech to you shayna punim.... ;)

  3. I would have to agree Passover is my least favortie of the Jewish holidays. It is important to remember how far we have come and still how far there is to go!

  4. happy passover! I knew it was coming up based on the massive boxes of matzah on sale at the grocery store.
