Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh My G-d

So I'm sitting here at my computer just chatting with one of my exes talking about restaurants that I can go to when TLS comes to visit me next month. All of a sudden, my ex ims me and says "I have to tell you something and you can't freak out." I was just like "mhmmm" totally not thinking what it was going to be. Well, this is what he says "I got asked to model a sex toy a while back and now it's hitting stores next month. I'm nervous." Now when he says model, he does not mean take raunchy pictures with it, he means his manhood was used as the model for the sex toy! Women all over the English speaking world are going to be pleasuring themselves with my ex's stuff in several weeks! I have no words. Another one for the "only happens to MRM" file.

ETA: apparently, if you date a penis model, you get free sex toys before they come out on the market. Where is another bottle of wine? Quote of the night: He is sending you his penis?- my little sister. Love you Kelly.


  1. hahaha omg! so funny!

  2. Hahahaha! That's the best story I've heard all day! Good thing he's a thing of the past eh?

  3. OMG!! I once had a formal date leave me early to go see his male roommate (both straight btw....or so they claim anyway) who was debuting his first try at stripping!! But I think your story tops that!!

  4. I have a weird question, did you sign up for my flip flop swap??

    You left me a message on that post letting me know I had won the giveaway but I wasn't sure if you were also signing up?

  5. oops. sorry. I was so excited I hit the button twice! :)

  6. Laughing so hard I nearly choked on my coffee! You win, hands down best story!!

  7. I so did not see that one coming!!! Priceless!

  8. *laughs* that is a great story to start my day - too funny!

  9. I have no words. Just... wow.

  10. so i am curious... how does one be asked to model for this? am i the only one confused about it!!

    this story is classic and don't worry good friends and a bottle of wine are cheaper than therapy!!

  11. THAT IS AWESOME. hahahahahaha. Wow.

  12. Love it! And I love the fact that he felt like you needed to know this!

  13. OMG!

    Hmm...I think I would die laughing or be mortified.

    How does one get a career in this field?

  14. Oh. My. Word. Oh my. We are almost speechless, but must agree with your "only happens to MRM" assessment!


  15. hahhaha. i cannot believe this actually happens.

    i really think your life could be a book~

  16. OMG - that is CRAZY!! I wouldn't have any words either!!!
