Thursday, April 16, 2009

Apparently I am an overachiever

Last night, when I stayed at work until 9, I thought it was because my boss wanted the final report today by 3:30 instead of Monday at 5:00. Well it turns out that she just wanted to meet with me and see where we stand on it. She was seriously shocked and surprised that I had finished the entire thing four days early! She let me go early today so I am off to enjoy this beautiful weather. Staying late sucked but here's what's nice about it: 1) respect from my boss, 2) the extra pay, 3) knowing that while all my counterparts will be stressed out tomorrow, I will have very little to do and will spend a beautiful Friday at my desk ordering Ball and Buck tees and LL Bean totes and making my mani/pedi appointment. Thank you to all the bloggers for your words of encouragement last night. Happy Spring!!!!


  1. Congrats! =)
    It's good to do that every once in a while! Enjoy the rest of your day!

  2. woohoo! I bet that feels great, plus it's awesome that your boss noticed your effort!!

  3. awesome! now you've got it it done and it's behind you too! enjoy the nice day!

  4. *jealous* its beautiful here....but cold. Lurve you!

  5. Congrats on getting it done! Keep up the hard work!

  6. thanks fantastic, being on the bosses' good size is always a good thing

  7. Yay, that's fabulous!

  8. That is excellent news! It feels so nice to be appreciated. It goes a long way. This is first day all week we have had sun in Philadelphia, so I am sure you're enjoying the NY weather as well.

    Have a great night and a nice, relaxing Friday!

  9. That's wonderful! I'm glad you had great weather to enjoy in your time off.

    And yes, dear, you are an overachiever. It's a great thing to be. :)
